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Wednesday, 26 August 2009

The light in the dark

In the darkest of dark,
A single ember glows bright,
So much that it can light up an entire face.

In the darkest of the dark, it is appreciated.

In the brightest of light,
A single ember glows out of sight,
So little an effect that it’s not even realized.

In the brightest of light, it goes unnoticed.

The beauty of life is in its contrast,
But how many of us see the true beauty?
Soaked in this bright lights,
Do we even notice the single ember?

Before it dies out.
-The single ember.

In the darkness, a single ember can shine so bright, but in a world full of other lights, that single ember can be unnoticeable, engulfed by the other bright lights. We miss so many things that pass us by, that happen, that glowing ember, which would have meant so much to us if the world was dark, but then for many of us, our world isn’t dark, in fact its very bright, to a person in the darkness, they would feel blinded by everything we have.

Yet to us, this is nothing, it is what is considered usual, and some of us see it as terrible, as darkness, and some take their lives because of it, when a person who lived in darkness would be horrified that someone like us would not want what we have. What is this darkness? What is this light?

The light is the comforts we have, the very chair you sit in as you read this, the computer you use to read this, the music you listen to as it flows out of your speakers as you read this, the fan or the air-conditioning you have, these all brighten our world, so much so that we do not notice them much, we simply take them for what they are, they don’t make us happier, we don’t notice it much, until its gone. Take for instance, a day when the power is cut, do you feel how dark the world becomes? Literally when at night, it does get dark if there aren’t any of these, from the light, to the computer to the very joy of music we have.

Think about it, don’t you live in a world that is very bright indeed? In the past, so many of these things did not exist, and that’s where the beauty of life can be appreciated more, for instance, the glowing warmth and light from an open flame in the darkness, it was something that was greatly appreciated by the people back then. And now? Fire can be a flick of a match, lighter or stove, its something we hardly appreciate, engulfed by the bigger “lights”

In the world we live in, a single ember of light doesn’t make much of a difference to us, but then, that subtle beauty, that simplistic part of life is lost to many of us. I remember the times when I just lied there, facing a camp fire, and then turning upwards and looking up at the stars and listening to the music of the night, the insects, the wind against the leaves, and crackle of the fire.

When was the last time you stopped to appreciate such things? We’re rushing around so much that we miss these things, we are often fixated on the brighter “lights” and the embers around us don’t even move us, don’t even contribute to our satisfaction. People who live in dimmer worlds seem to be more satisfied that us, happier than us, because we are so busy chasing the bigger “lights” we missed out on the others.

The truth is, we don’t truly enjoy what we have, because we never really take in fully, we never realize its affect on us. We rarely have true contrasts in life to experience much of life’s beauty, of what we’ve got, unless we’ve lost it.

You don’t need to lose something to appreciate it, but rather perhaps you can experience life in a different way, by taking it in on a different level, to see the world in another point of view.

Try this one day, take a day away from the rush of life, you’ve got to let go of everything on your mind, switch off that phone, no due work or commitments. Head to a place where there is amazing views, where you can eat and chill, a place which you’ve never been before, walk through the place, close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the place, take it all in, then cover your ears and look at the world around you, and remember each piece of it, take it all in, and see the world in a way you don’t normally see it.

And when the time comes for lunch or dinner, take each moment to take in the smell, let it fill your mind before you eat it, and mind you, eat it slowly so that you’ll enjoy its taste more. It’s like enjoying the rain, where you can’t truly enjoy it till you take your time enjoy each sensation. You’ve got to close your eyes so you can hear the patter of the rain more, cover your ears and you’ll hear the sound of it pattering on your head, and breathe deep so you can smell the rain. At the end of the day, sit down and watch the world again, listen and see the world again, take that moment to enjoy it and remember it.

So when was the last time you appreciated that single ember? Turn of the “lights” and appreciate that ember in a way like you’ve never before.

I close my eyes so I can listen,
I cover my ears so I can see,
If but for a moment remember each part.

To savor the taste of life, of its finest wines.

Reach into the crowd,
Take in each smell,
Feel the warmth of her hand.

And watch her lead you so.

Watching her as her dress flows,
As the light catches against her face,
As her scent intoxicates.

And realize how much she truly glows.
-A day outside

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

V for V

We are the opposites of each other,
Yet without the other neither would exist,
We can be defined as good and bad,
Yet one can create the other,
We are the twins of the same mother,
Yet she treats us differently,
We're often spoken of by many,
Yet so few truly embrace us.

Do you embrace us?
Do you shun us?
Do you accept us?
Are we good or bad?
Are you one or both?
-Vice for Virtue, Virtue for Vice

“In a world where the first person to welcome him and become his friend he made an enemy of. It was a time when he was all alone in a place, and he knew no one, and someone reached for and offered his hand and welcome.

And when it all came down to it, the first person he betrayed was the one who wanted to be his friend before anyone else and wanted nothing more than to be his friend.”

I think the world has such wonderful things and bad things at the same time. Things you ask? It’s such a generic word, but don’t you think that sometimes it best to just to describe as a thing when we find it hard to use a word, thing is just there to use. Friendship is a wonderful thing isn’t it? Betrayal is a bad thing right? But the bad thing could not come about without the wonderful thing.

It makes you wonder, does a wonderful thing bring out about a bad thing, or a bad thing brings out a wonderful thing? In a world where there is a tyrant, who committed genocide, where many suffered horrors, in this world where many bad things happen. But then, there are people who do what they can to protect and save those from the bad things, and thus it is a wonderful thing that they do the love and compassion and caring for mankind, for people for those who suffered.

This is where a bad thing brings about a wonderful thing. In case you’re wondering, I’m referring to the holocaust where there were people who did wonderful things to save those who did bad things.

In this world, there are many bad things, and there are wonderful things. But must each create the other? How do we prevent the bad and let in only the good? But then, should we even attempt it? Is bad really bad? What if bad was good? How could we tell?

In nature, death which we often see as a bad thing can bring out life, like a raging fire that destroys a forest and new life springs up from the enriching process of the forest fire. So is this a case of point of view?

Is there no real good or bad? Or what goes with our values? Our alignment? Wouldn’t your alignment affect how you view it? It’s hard to truly define it, but you could say it could be defined by one’s beliefs and values which vary from person to person. It would probably take three articles length of writing if I tried to define the surface value of beliefs and values that affect one’s alignment. Of course, I limit myself to a thousand plus words an article in case anyone ever wondered. But I’ll give it a try.

In order to make this explanation easier, I will use the term good and bad loosely throughout as it would take too much time define each situation, the depiction good and bad is according to my view. Alignment is a moral and ethical perspective along with the religious beliefs of a person. To say that one’s alignment can be simply define by a person’s religion, one would be wrong, because different people from the same religion have different alignments still. You could have what we will define as evil in a religion and what we define as good in the same religion. A man can commit murder in the name of religion, and a man could renounce murder in the name of the religion and yet both believe they do right by their religion because of there morals and ethical perspective is brought into it. A man without religious beliefs however, could be defined by their morals and ethics.

But then this is an assumption where everything else remains constant and the alignment of the person remains the same, the person’s alignment might change in their life, due to events that change them and their strength and resolve can result in the changes or momentary changes of alignment. Where a person who was against murder, for that moment felt that murder was necessary or justified and committed it, or even an alignment can be very wide range, where people change their alignment according to situations, because their morals and ethics and compounded by each other.

An example would be one who is against violence is still more likely to use violence against an adult than a child because they think its wrong to harm a child, or in another case the person is more likely to harm the child because the adult more likely to hurt them in return. This reflects a person with the same value, but two different outcomes, which brings us to the variation of one’s alignment according to situation.

Another example is when people lose their alignment temporarily, is when good people are caught up in a crowd and end up doing something they normally wouldn’t do that’s bad to them, but because their part of the crowd, they end up doing it.

Other examples would be the seven sins that affect a person’s alignment and judgment.
Such as pride, fear, rage, jealousy, greed, lust and laziness.

For me, the sins that affect me the most is: Pride, rage and greed. These are my sins.

I covet power,
For I am greed of Avarice.

I am unrelenting,
For I am pride of Superbia.

I’ll dispense justice,
For I am wrath of Ira.
-The sins of a man