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Wednesday, 11 February 2009


Every memory’s slowly fading,
In the evanescence of this dreaming,
I remember the choice of words,
The paths taken.

I find myself too attached to this particular memory.

I can’t give you the reason why,
But I realize I don’t need one,
It’s just a special one,
One that I won’t let decay.

I’ve had time to reflect on the past two days. Of someone I met and shared fun filled moments with. A person who was full of life and vibrance. She was someone with ambition, someone who wanted to do something with her life. A driven person.

I was in a church with a mass that was singing songs, the speeches to honor her given, the tears shed, the final goodbye. And now I sit in my room to the silence and the reflection. It is quiet now, the silence a painful solemn thing as I said my final goodbye, in my own way.

She was so young, younger than me, which showed how short life was. I remember I wrote a poem long ago about a funeral, I’ve shown it a couple of times, but it fits the occasion. It was raining on that day too, and when it rained it poured.

As I heard the music of the funeral band,
I reached out for her hand,
Only to stumble and be lost.

As the first drop came,
An endless pour,
Caught in a world of endless doors,
I began to cry,
And then a hand grasped mine.

I was out of my daze,
And I was met with many a gaze,
I heard the speech of praise,
From a priest of heavenly grace,

The hearts had been bled,
The tears were shed,
At the end of everything said,
I said my goodbye as I cried in my bed.


It makes me think about life, the frailty, the temporary flesh and bone we reside in. It makes death part of life, and with death it brings loss, not only to those who know the person but to the world. Loss is always painful, no matter how wants to look at it, it is always painful.

Memories that sometimes you never reflected back much on till it was too late. A friend told me, that sometimes only when something like this happens then the memories come flooding back. Sometimes it feels like there is nothing I can say or do that really makes a difference, but at the end of the day, we should, despite the smallest significance it would make.

Each voice has weight, and with our life and each breathe we take, we should use that strength to honor those past and create a change and live life to the fullest. We have the ability to affect, what choices are you making? What are you doing with your time?

Are you living it to the fullest? Can you die right now satisfied with what you lived with? The concept of living a full life was brought up in the funeral where the priest spoke that one can have lived a full life by accepting god. That was his idea of living a full life.

But then again, we all have different ideas on what a full life should be? Who is correct? My idea of having lived a full life would mean that I experienced life physically, spiritually, mentally and appreciated these experiences and had reflected greatly and gained knowledge and wisdom from these experiences. That is what it means to have lived a full life. But what is your idea of living a full life?

Have I lived a full life? I can’t say I have. I have reflected a lot, but I have not reflected enough, there are so many experiences I’ve yet to experience. People I’ve yet to help and by god, as long as there is enough strength in me, I will make it happen. This life I have is precious. The lives we have is precious, its temporary and we never know when it ends. It’s not important to think about the end, but rather what we do until we reach the end.

Live every moment and make it something you want to take with you at the end. Something you can look back on and smile at. I’ve had moments like that, that did not require any brush of death. When I was in Phuket in the Marriott, under the sun in the pool just looking out at the sea, I reflected on the beautiful moments that meant a lot to me and just realized how lucky I am to have lived these moments. So despite not achieving the full life I see, I still have no regrets even if I have to go.

Why fear death? Fear not making the most of the time you already have. The famous quote, “The past is over, the future is unknown, the present is a gift.” I’m not sure if I got it correct but it makes sense. The past is already done, and we should not live in it, because if we spend too much time living in it, we lose the present, and if we spend too much time thinking of the future, we waste the present. That’s why it’s important to learn from the past, plan for the future and make full use of the present.

It’s quiet now,
I feel the world coming to a stand still,
The tears well up inside.

There’s nothing I can say to make the pain go away.

For every time you fought and tried,
I will remember that,
Every word you spoke,
Is precious to us all.

For the words you wrote.

When the moment came to a close,
Remember us,
As we remember you,
I will remember you.
For we love you.

- To Jaclyn

I bid adieu to you for the last time.

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